Interview with Mr. Alessandro
President of Africa Logistics Network


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1. Who is Mr. Alessandro?

I am a freight forwarder who capitalizes an experience of fifty years in the field. I created four years ago an international freight forwarder association, called Africa Logistics Network (ALN), whose goal is to participate in the economic development of the African continent.
We held a first annual conference in Bergamo, Italy and were 50 forwarding agents. Then we held a second in Agadir in Morocco and a third in Lisbon in Portugal. Today, we hold the fourth annual conference in Dakar in Africa “black” and it is very important for us.

2. How many members does your network have?

Our network now has 235 members, 90 of whom are in Africa, representing a 38% increase in the coming years.

3. Why did you choose to name your Africa Logistics Network?

We left thinking that Africa is the future of the world with enormous potential in terms of quality resources and represents a huge consumer market: that’s why we called it Africa Logistics Network.
After four years, we have confirmation of what we thought because there are huge investments in ports and airports in Africa: which is beautiful and is the skeleton of development. What remains after is to support logistics companies in Africa so that they can use it at best.

4. What motivated the choice of Dakar for your 4th annual conference?

We thought after three annual conferences that the time had come to make one in Africa “black” in the real Africa and Dakar represents the door of this Africa: it is my personal opinion because if we look at the Maghreb, it is a copy of Europe; now we are going to look after if it is possible to organize it in the south of Africa in the coming years.

5. What are the expected results of this annual conference in Dakar?

Our beginning with this association is certainly not to make profit. Our goal is to increase the number and quality of our members to increase its strength.


Interviewed by Thierno Abdoulaye DIALLO


Watch the video in French!


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