Africa Logistics Network is pleased to announce the partnership with Forwarders Debt Recovery Services (FDRS).
FDRS is an independent debt recovery company dedicated to assisting the Freight Forwarding community in collecting its just debts, and for many years they have been successful in recovering debts for their clients espanolfarm.com. They also maintain the most comprehensive industry standard database of delinquent debtors in the Freight Forwarding community.
In addition, they send out a monthly Newsletter to over 100,000 contacts in the Freight Forwarder and logistics community – http://fdrs-ltd.com/eng/newsletter.php
Since July 2012, they have also been offering a co-service to forwarder associations and now work closely with some 60+ associations.
They garanted for our members some special conditions and for extra information about this please contact us at info@africalogisticsnetwork.com. Our members will receive a circular email and they’ll be informed about all details.