Exclusive interview to Marcello Saponaro, President of Africa Logistics Network, interviewed by Thierno Abdoulaye Diallo, Director of Africa Supply Chain Magazine.

«We are expecting 150 managers attending Nairobi meeting next October»

TAD: You are going to organize the 9th edition of ALN, what are your feelings today as President of this network and how do you see it in the future?

MS: Feeling of pride because my father, me
and the Team made the network with “only”
210 members but with the largest coverage
in Africa with almost 95% of the continent
represented. Neither the networks with 9 / 10.000
members can claim such a coverage in Africa!

TAD: ALN is composed of many logistics
companies around the world, what is the role
playing by african companies in your network?

MS: The African companies represent the
“raison d’être” of Africa Logistics Network. Our
members in Europe, Americas or Asia asks to be
member to achieve the ability to operate across
Africa, without exceptions, not to seat waiting
for business from other members. If you are
member of ALN or ALNA you are able to handle
door to door shipments from/to everywhere.

TAD: This year, the 9th edition is held in Nairobi,
why the choice of Kenya?

MS: It was our duty. Covid “killed” our 6th annual
meeting in Nairobi. We organize the meetings once
in Africa and the next year out of Africa, Nairobi was
due since 2020… It’s going to be a great success..
we are expecting 150 managers attending Nairobi
meeting! In 2024 could be in Asia or in Latin America.

TAD: Since last year edition in Oman, what are
the big news of the network you can share with
us today?

MS: First of all that ALNA, the younger sister
network of ALN, born at the end of 2019 just
before the Covid, finally started to grow very well
and fast. The last September meeting in Oman
– the first one in-person for ALNA – has been
the start of ALNA rainessance. Now we already
reached 80 members and growing every week
with 2 or more new members.

TAD: Today, there are many logistics networks
around in Africa, how do you deal with this

MS: Competition is always good. Before ALN no
network seemed to be interested to cover and to develop business in Sub-Saharian Africa. It was left to a handfull of very few major Forwarders… Now everybody understood Africa development is the future. More Networks looks for reliable members around Africa more african SMEs will have the opportunity to grow.

TAD: Last question but not least, how do you
see the partnership with Africa Supply Chain

MS: ALN and ALNA are pupils in the World of
Communication and information. It’s a great
opportunity for us and for sure we are the perfect network partner for Africa Supply Chain Magazine. And again, Thierno, thanks for this interview intended to be published both on The African Post and on Africa Supply Chain Magazine.

Meeting Muscat-Oman 2022

Thanks to Africa Supply Chain for the Great Interview on their Magazine!

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