Press Release: 1st ALN meeting starting on Oct. 1st in Bergamo, Italy


Africa Logistics Network 1st Annual Meeting. Bergamo (Italy)

Africa Logistics Network 1st Annual Meeting. Bergamo (Italy)


Press release

Over 60 members attending the first meeting of Africa Logistics Network, the new worldwide Freight Forwarders Network
from the 1st to the 4th of October 2015 in Bergamo, Italy

Wednesday, 23
rd September 2015 – The first annual meeting of Africa Logistics Network will be held in Bergamo from the 1st to the 4th of October.

Africa Logistics Network is a community of professional Freight Forwarding Companies, the first who target to cover the entire African Continent, in order to place them online with a worldwide network of agents, such as qualified and professional medium sized international shipping companies.

One of the logistic problems in the African market is the reliability of small and medium sized companies. ALN works to recognise the most professional ones, by linking them to the Network. As a result, this increases their competitiveness and, at the same time, reduces transport costs in Africa.

The Network originated in Bergamo, Italy. The first meeting is being held in Bergamo, because the idea was created here and is where the founder, and today, the Chairman of Africa Logistics Network, Alessandro Saponaro, works.

To date there are already over 60 managers from more than 40 Freight Forwarding companies registered at the meeting. Mostly coming from Africa, but also come from other continents: from China to USA, from Western Asia to Europe.

“We didn’t expect such a significant development – says Alessandro Saponaro, president of the Network – In just 4 months since the launch, we have almost reached complete coverage of Africa. Only a handful of nations still has to see selected their own members, but we are sure that the meeting will attract the growth of the network into the countries in which it isn’t present”.

“The network – adds Alessandro Saponaro – was born by our awareness that Africa is the future for development. Within and in trading with the rest of the world. And Africa’s development is growing at the same time with the level of education, professionalism and social cohesion. In a small way we are happy to lend a hand in this and also to be able to create new opportunities for our members, because Africa is a continent inhabited by a billion people and has begun to grow, often in double figures, and to see established a new middle class and widespread professionalism. Regardless of the persistent –at times huge – economic, social and political problems”.

“In building this Network we started from tight-knit group of Freight Forwarders. – explains Saponaro – We weren’t interested in creating an organization to invoice subscription fees to an unlimited amount of members. We want 2 to 5 per nation but we want the most reliable ones. A network also for increasing opportunities and competitiveness of our members: to handle shipment they couldn’t without the network”.

The meeting’s program is quite substantial and is organized with one part as a conference, and many hours dedicated to one-to-one meetings between participating members of the Network.

Here follows the conference program open to specialized press:


Friday 2nd October 2015 – h. 9.30 – 13.00
Centro Congressi Papa Giovanni XXIII
Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 106, Bergamo – Italy

Introduction, Alessandro Saponaro – Chairman

Welcome from the authorities:

Giorgio Gori, Mayor of Bergamo

Alessandro Sorte, Regional Minister for Infrastructures and Mobility


Services presentation by the Maritime Companies who serve to/from Africa.

At the moment confirmed presences by:

_ Maersk / Safmarine

_ MSC – Mediterranean Shipping Co.

_ DAL – Deutsche Afrika Linien

_ Ignazio Messina & C Spa

_ Grimaldi

_ Cma Cgm

_ Arkas

_ Tarros


The afternoon of October 2nd and the entire day of the 3rd, will be dedicated to the one-to-one meetings, with in-depth analysis of the services offered by every participating Freight Forwarder.

On Oct 4th, all guests will move to the site of EXPO Milano 2015, where they will spend the day visiting the pavilions of the Universal Exhibition “Feeding the Planet, Energy for life”.

The Africa Logistics Network meeting will be held every year in a different nation, alternating between Africa and the other continents. The location for next year will be decided during the meeting: an African nation easily reached from anywhere in the World with suitable accommodation facilities for an ever growing network who wants to bring at least 100 new memberss to the next appointment.

Link for Hi-Res Logo :


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